Trading industry provides quite luring opportunities to earn risk-free.. by teaching others. As far as there are wannabe traders who can afford education. But this education goes to the level of qualification of mentor and if he failed , can't trade ,  in trading then how he can teach you to success. Makes no sense.

Stock Trading Guru Scam


It is rare to find good trading mentors, coaches and educators. Most have failed at trading and are the blind leading the blind .They do not know enough about trading psychology and the human brain, to be able to advise /teach others how to trade successfully.How can someone who does not have the map to the trading gold ,sell a map of it?

How can trading failures teach others to trade successfully? They have all tried and failed at making money from trading.The  are offering a  method/education which will be executed by the human brain , a brain that is not compatible with such a task , if they do not know enough ,  they are definitely blind.

Psychology is 80% of trading success. This is because the human with a mind is going to execute the trades  and a trader’s brain command centre makes all the trading decisions.

The brain's command centre can shut down due to stress responses , in the middle of a trade. Emotions can override rational trading rules, systems and methods taught by educators

Does he make any money from trading? He writes books 

If educators/mentor don't understand the mind, how it works subconsciously in trading, the blind gurus cannot teach any plans for the 80% risk of underperformance due to psychology. It is with the mind where traders lose in trading due to emotions ,stress , need to be right , subconscious emotional executions ,mind traps , automatic mind in trading ,biases/ beliefs in trading , subconscious errors , brain command centre shutdown during trading , brain freezing in trade executions ,the power the negative trading knowledge and  thoughts , negative wiring of human brain and its negative influences and performance in trading ,meditation requirements, unreality reading of the real market conditions, cognitive biases in trading decisions , mental traps , lack of knowledge of benefits of patience and disadvantages of impatient traders , impulsivity and impulsive trades  , self sabotage in trade executions , stress responses in a stressful environment  , amygdale/emotional  hijackings ,personality , ego and other psyche characteristics.


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